Showing posts with label fern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fern. Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Growing Tips for Fern


Where I reside part of our property is dense woods with fern growing wild underneath the trees. My husband and I transplanted a few fern plants to grow in our yard and gardens.

The first season I grew the fern with my Hosta plants, the second season I transplanted the fern to grow as a border plant along a shaded walkway and also planted them in a garden bed under fir tree.

Fern is easy to grow outdoors and indoors.  As long as the fern is planted in rich well drained soil and they are watered to keep the top five inches of soil evenly moist the fern plant will flourish.

Providing the right light is kind of trickly.  Most people think fern like shade.  But I have found they do best with some shade and indirect light.  You need to avoid direct sunlight for long period of time.  My fern gets morning sun followed by partial shade.


I do mist my fern in the morning as this plant does like humidity.  So, if you plan to grow them indoors, I find that bathroom, laundry rooms and kitchens are ideal growing areas.  For growing fern outdoors plant them in locations that offer production from direct sun.  Ideally under trees or shrubs.

 Ferns are really easy to grow as long as they are planted in areas that agree with them, they have the right soil and water so that they soil does not dry out. 

I have fertilized in the spring will a slow-release fertilizer to produce more runners, but its not necessary.

 Maintain your fern by removing dead leaves and keep the garden bed weed free.  My yard and garden is large and other than dividing and replanting in the spring to other areas I have never cut the fern back in the fall.

 Know that if you are growing your fern indoors in a container and see that the roots are growing out of the drainage holes that this is a sign that you need to repot your fern into a larger pot.   Shop for a pot that is three inches larger or a pot with amble space for your fern to grow.  I always clean my pots with antibacterial dawn dish soap and let it dry before filling with rich potting soil for repotting of the fern plant.  Water  well and place in a room in your home that has indirect light and humidity.

Other information about ferns.

It’s a good idea to grow ferns indoors because ferns can help clean the air by absorbing airborne pollutants and increasing humidity.