Showing posts with label fungal disease garden tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fungal disease garden tips. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Hydrangea Fungal Disease Prevention

Hydrangeas are easy to grow however you do need to take steps to prevent fungal disease. Here are some garden tips on how to take care of your hydrangea and prevent Fungal Disease.

This past spring my brother gave me a beautiful hydrangea.  It was very healthy with large blooms.  When the blooms were spent I did prune to remove the old blooms and fertilized the plant to encourage new growth.

Everything was great until it rained for three days and then the temperature dropped and the cool damp weather caused my hydrangea to develop brown spots on the leaves and stems. 

Two days ago


it rained overnight, followed by cloudy cool weather. Then a day of heat an humidity and the fungus spread. 

The brown spots were an indication that my hydrangea was infected with the fungal disease Botrytis blight.  


Had I realized that the change of weather could make my hydrangea suspected of fungus I would have brought my container-grown hydrangea indoors and set it in my controlled temperature room that has a grow light.  However, I did not so the hydrangea suffered when the temperature changed. (hard rain, cool temperatures’ then high humidity all in 4 days)

I spoke to the garden center where the hydrangea plant was purchased and they told me that you can prevent this fungal disease by watering the hydrangea at the roots and not watering the flowers or the leaves. 

Also, you must make sure there is good air circulation so don’t plant/grow your hydrangea close to other plants, a wooden fence, or a wall.


Since I am growing my hydrangea in a container I did prune to remove the leaves that showed signs of fungal disease.  I also set the plant on a cement pedestal that would allow the hydrangea to have excellent airflow.


I shopped for a full-spectrum organic product that would treat common garden diseases, blight, black spots, powdery mildew, and peach leaf curl.  That way I could use the fungicide on other plants. 


I bought Bonide Captain Jack's Copper Fungicide, a 32 oz Ready-to-Use Spray for Organic Gardening, and Controls Common Diseases.  The product is ready to use, but you do have to shake well before spraying on the stems and top and bottom of the leaves.  Best to spray when rain is not forecasted.  Directions recommend repeat spraying in 14 days.