Saturday, July 14, 2012

English Ivy Container Gardening

English ivy will enhance a hanging container or large clay pot by cascading down the sides.  This ivy is fast growing and evergreen.  Grow the ivy with a combination of brightly hued flowers and the ivy that spills down the sides will be eye appealing. 

The leaves of the ivy are a blue green with white tipping and in the fall and winter months the leaves turns to a purplish color which is attractive with a snow background. You can plant an English ivy garden in a large terracotta pot or in a hanging container.  The ivy container garden will be a focal point in your yard and garden. 

I like to accent my ivy garden urns  by changing the focal flowers seasonally.  In the spring red and yellow tulips with grape hyacinths grow in the center of the container and the ivy cascades down the sides.  

 In the summer I will plant annual flowers that are brightly hued as my focal flowers and in the autumn I will choose an assortment of plants for my feature container urn; carex buchananii, yellow garden chrysanthemums and kale these plants will provide the height for the container and the ivy will spill down the sides.  This combination of plants with the ivy growing down the sides of the container is attractive.
When to plant
Plant you are your container garden after the danger of a spring frost has past and for fall containers plant 6 weeks before a end of season fall frost.

Choosing a Container 
Choose a container that fits your needs.  You can grow English ivy in a window box, urn or hanging container.  Make sure all containers have water drainage holes.

Arranging and planting Ivy with other plants
Fill the container with 1/2 potting soil, then top with four inches of compost or manure.  Next, mix the controlled release fertilizer into the soil.  Plant  spring bulbs according to the depth instruction on your package.  Then plant your flowers in the center of the container.  Complete the container garden by planting with the English ivy close to the rim of the container.  By planting the ivy close to the edge of the container, the ivy will cascade downward as it grows.  Apply a thin layer of mulch or moss around the plants.  After you complete the planting, you would water the container thoroughly.

Care for your container
Plants that grow in containers tend to dry out quickly.  Mist the container in the morning to keep the plants looking fresh.  Water container gardens as needed. It is best to not let the soil dry out before watering.

Choose plants and flowers with the same growing requirements as the English ivy; Full sun, part sun and good drainage.  Ivy likes water but does not like wet roots.

Container gardens allow people with small yards to enjoy growing a variety of  plants. 

Grow in zones 5 to 8

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