Thursday, February 12, 2015

Harvesting Lemon Balm for Herbal Tea

I grow a tea garden in my backyard because there is nothing better than a cup of soothing herbal tea in the afternoon after a rigorous day of working in the garden. Many of the teas that I grow fall under medicinal as they will cure many ailments. Lemon Balm is my go-to herbal tea for natural anxiety relief and it also helps me to sleep. If you like the taste of lemon then grow and harvest lemon balm for herbal tea.
Brew herbal tea from harvested leaves from the garden

When it comes to harvesting lemon balm for herbal tea I think it is best to harvest the leaves early in the morning, after the dew has elaborated. Choose young leaves as they are more potent and have the best flavor.

Today I am made an herbal tea by putting a half teaspoon of dried lemon balm leaves into an infuser. (I had harvested these leaves last fall and air dried them on a screen)  The dried lemon balm leaves in the infuser then set the infuser into the teapot.  Add the hot water and let the herbs steep for ten minutes.
Learn more about growing an herbal tea garden by viewing this video.

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